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Korea RRA Guide for R&TTE Equipment

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Conformity Assessment System

Introduction for conformity Assessment System

Broadcasting and communications equipment certification system

The broadcasting and communication equipment conformity asseament system has been implemented according to Ariticle 58-2 of the Radio Waves Act It is divided into the certification of conformity, registration of compatibility, and interim of conformity.
A party intending to manufacture, sell or import broadcasting and communication equipment must have one of those three certifications.

Type and Method of Application for Certification
All conformity assessments can be requested over the Internet.(

Certification of Conformity

  • A party intending to manufacture, sell, or import equipment that can harm the radio environment, the broadcasting communication network, or others, as well as those whose normal operation can be affected by radio waves can apply for the certification of conformity by attaching the related documents to the NATIONAL RADIO RESEACH AGENCY (RRA).

Registration of Compatibility

  • A party intending to manufacture, sell, or import broadcasting and communication equipment that is not subject to certificationof conformity can register the equipment by attaching the letter of confirmation that verifies the compatibility to RRA over the Internet.

Interim of Conformity

  • If there is no criteria for assessing the conformity of the broadcasting and communication equipment or if it is difficult to assess the conformity for whatever reason, the conformity can be assessed using the standard, specification or technical criteria of Koreaor other countries and then attaching the region, period of validity, and condition of certification to the manufactured, sold, or imported equipment.
Required Document
SubjectRequired DocumentExamples of certification-targeted equipmentRelated provision of laws
Certification of ConformityUser's manual, Test report (issued by the authorized testing agency or the testing agency in an MRA country), Appearance drawing, Part arrangement diagram or picture, Circuit diagram, Letter of representationWireless telephone alarm automatic receiver, radar equipment for ships, telephone, modem, etc.Article 58-2 or the Radio Waves Act, and Article 3-1 of Public Announcement on Assessment of Conformity, and Equipment in Accompanying Table 1
Registration of CompatibilityLetter of confirmation conforming to the compatibility assessment criteria Letter of representationComputing device and peripheral, and broadcasting set-top boxArticle 58-2 or the Radio Waves Act, and Article 3-2 of Public Announcement on Assessment of Conformity, and Equipment in Accompanying Table 2
Measuring instrument, industrial device, connector, etc.Article 58-2 or the Radio Waves Act, and Article 3-3 of Public Announcement on Assessment of Conformity, and Equipment in Accompanying Table 3
Interim of ConformityTechnical manual, In-house test report, User쨈s manual, Appearance drawing, Circuit diagram, Part arrangement diagram or picture, Letter of representationNewly developed, equipment whose, conformity assessment, criteria are not yet, availableArticle 58-2 or the Radio Waves Act and Article 11 of Public Announcement on Assessment of Conformity
Equipment exempted from conformity assessment
Equipment eligible for exemptionQuantity
Equipment for the purpose of technology development or test research as part of a product or a broadcast communication serviceRelated provision of laws
Equipment used for non-selling purposes such as those for exhibitions and international competitionsQuantity exempted
Equipment imported by foreign technology personnel for use in a domestic industry and which is to be returned abroad after a fixed period of use
Equipment or component imported or manufactured for the purpose of maintenance or repair of equipment that is to undergo conformity assessment
Equipment imported or manufactured for military purposes
Equipment imported and manufactured for use abroad and not for use in Korea
Equipment imported for installing on custom-built ships for delivery to overseas customers and equipment installed on ships or aircraft purchased, leased, or chartered from overseas or replacement equipment of the same type
Equipment imported for private use and not for sale1 pc.
Equipment that has undergone conformity assessment through international mutual recognition arrangements or similar type of agreementQuantity exempted
Amateur wireless equipment built, assembled, or imported for personal use and not for sale
Sample equipment imported for domestic market research purposes and not for saleLess than 3 pcs.
Computer built with internal components that have undergone conformity assessmentsQuantity exempted
Equipment manufactured domestically for export to overseas markets
Equipment brought into Korea for the purpose of re-exporting to overseas markets
Equipment exported overseas but brought into Korea for repairs on the condition that they are to be shipped out

Publicity for Conformity Assessment System

Check the broadcasting & communication equipment's conformity assessment!
Check the health! Check the quality!

Conformity Assessment System of Broadcasting & Communication Equipment

01“The broadcasting & communication equipment must undergo the confomity assessment to en sure the protection of the consumer and the communication network in regard to electromagnetic waves.”
02“Be sure to confirm the conformity assessment before you purchase or sell the products.”
03“Broadcasting & communication equipment must be produced and imported according tothe technology standards and relevant regulations enacted on the conformity assessment.”
04“EKCC offers assistance throughout the process from the application for the confomityassessment to the issuance of certificate.”
05“Confimation of the cetification status is available at the National Radio Research Agency (RRA) website.”

Introduction for Designated Test Laboratory

What is Designated test laboratory?

Designated test laboratory refer to agencies which test the techni- cal criteria suitability required for the Certification for Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, as they are designated as such by the certification agency RRA in accorrdance with Electrical Communication Basic Law, Article 33-2. and Radio waveLaw, Articles 46 and 57, and are engaged in testing work. Detailed regulations concerning the designation of testing laboratories refer to the MIC Decree “Rules on the Designation and Management of Information and Communication Equipment Testing Agency, etc.,” and related operational guidelines, and are stipulated in the RRA’s “Detailed Operational Guidelines on the Designation and Management of Information and Commuication Equipment Testing Laboratory.” Require,emts for the designation of testing laboratory are mentioned in above rules and others. However, except for special cases, if the condition meets the content stipilated in ISO/IEC 17025(general requirements for the qualifications of testing agency), it will satisfy the requirements stipulated in the rules.

Certificate of designated test laboratory

MRA Information

Overview of MRA
  • The government has defined the technical specifications that some products must observe among products available on the market in order to protect people's safety and health and the environment, and has compelled enterprises to follow them by law. The standard that must be observed with respect to the communications equipment is the technical standard of communications equipment, and the process of checking the compliance status in advance is the certification system of telecommunications equipment. The government has administered the technical standards of telecommunications equipment in terms of people's health, property protection, the integrated national backbone protection and a proper use of spectrum resources, and has checked the compliance status through the certification system. However, because such certification system of telecommunications equipment is based on the political, economic, social, cultural and technical differences among countries, each country has its own certification system of telecommunications equipment with different procedures and methods. Such variation in the certification systems of telecommunications equipment works as a significant trade barrier to inter-country trade. Accordingly, in order to overcome it, the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) has been actively promoted among nations. MRA intends to vitalize inter-country trade by reducing the testing period and costs, by mutually recognizing the designated foreign conformity assessment agency's test report or certificate in trading the item subject to MRA, which means the MRA member states recognize the conformity assessment results of other member states as their conformity assessment results. The conformity assessment is to test and assess whether the product, process or service meets the requirements by Standards or Technical Regulations, and includes the test, inspection, certification and marking.
Overview of APEC TEL MRA


  • APEC TEL MRA aims to facilitate the trade, increase the market accessibility, and eliminate or reduce the Non-Tariff Barrier (NTB), not to unify Standards or Technical Regulations.

Major products for APEC TEL MRA

  • Wire, wireless, EMC and electric safety test of information and communications equipment


  • APEC TEL MRA comprises the mutual recognition of conformity assessment result (Phase 1: Test report, Phase 2: Certificate), conformity assessment agency designation (mutual designation of testing agency and certification agency) and the information exchange (each member state reveals the list of its technical regulations and grants the other state the opportunity to present an opinion). That is, the importing country accepts the test report for the product of the exporting country which has been tested according to the importing country쨈s technical regulations, and the importing country accepts the certificate for the product of the exporting country which has been certified according to the importing country쨈s technical regulations.


  • The designated agency of the exporting country accredits or appoints the conformity assessment institute (testing agency or certification agency) that can conduct the conformity assessment pursuant to the importing country쨈s technical regulations. At this time, it may appoint the accreditation agency that conducts the conformity assessment agency쨈s accreditation matters on behalf of the designated agency. Also, when it gives the importing country the list of designated accreditation agencies and the designated or accredited conformity assessment agencies, the importing country decides on the approval after assessment. The company that wants to export can go through the certification procedures in the importing country after getting the test report issued from the conformity assessment agency (testing agency) in the exporting country that has been approved by the importing country (in case of Phase 1 MRA), or can sell the product directly in the territory of the importing country (in case of Phase 2 MRA) after getting the certificate issued from the conformity assessment agency (certification agency) in the exporting country.

Korean CABs recognized by MRA partners VIEW ▶

CABs designated by MRA partners and recognized by Korea VIEW ▶

Testing Laboratory in EU that has been notified by EU VIEW ▶

Regulatory Authority

The National Radio Research Agency (RRA) is the regulatory authority in Korea. RRA is responsible for regulating telecommunications and radiocommunications and managing the radiofrequency spectrum.

Standards Available for Recognition

The technical and administrative requirements that are available for recognition are limited to those listed in the following Annex I(September 3, 2019).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The versions of the requirements posted in Annex I are updated frequently by RRA. CABs must check for the most up-to-date versions posted at  the National Law Information Center and other web pages noted below and include the most recent versions on the Scope of Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025). See links below:

Normally, RRA does not accept any exceptions/restrictions/limitations to the accreditation to the standards being recognized. However, RRA will accept a limited accreditation for KN 32 and KN 35 that excludes broadcast receivers.

Measurement Distances

The following are the required measurement distances for radiated emissions:

  • Up to 1 GHz: measurement distance required is 10 m.
  • 1 to 6 GHz: measurement distance required is 3 m.

CABs must be able to test the full range of frequencies. No exceptions or exclusions are permitted.

Mandatory Calibration Intervals

Test laboratories must meet the equipment calibration intervals noted here * regardless of manufacturer's recommendations. 

The RRA specified calibration intervals are mandatory and no flexibility is allowed.  

* (Based on RRA Public Notification 2016-17 (in Korean) Chapter 4 (Section 14) and in the table on page 22.)

Telecom and EMC requirements


The Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (MSIP) is an EMC/RF/Telecom authority that conducts EMC and wireless communication certification. KC certification is issued by Korea’s National Radio Research Agency (RRA) and requires testing at an RRA-approved laboratory.


The “KC RF+EMC” is a mandatory system and is divided into three schemes of conformity assessment. An applicable scheme depends on the product.


  • Conformity Certification “KC RF”. The equipment that can harm the radio environment, the broadcasting communication network, as well as those whose normal operation can be affected by radio waves, are subject to certification. For example, base stations, Bluetooth speakers, CDMA, PCS, WCDMA, cellular phones, IoT equipment, LoRA, LTE, LTE-A, radar equipment for ships, repeaters, RF modules, telephones, wireless keyboards, wireless LANs, wireless mouses, wireless modems, etc.

  • Conformity Registration “KC EMC”. Broadcasting and communication equipment that is not subject to certification of conformity is then subject to registration. For example, computers and peripheral equipment, measuring instruments, industrial devices, connectors, etc.

  • Interim of Conformity (Verification). The following scheme is used for new electrical and electronic products that don’t have a conformity standard yet.


Conformity Assessment Mark

In 2009, Korean authorities initiated a new certification system “KC” (Korea Certification) for electronic and electrical products which has become a mandatory accreditation system. To obtain the “KC” Mark—a mandatory mark issued by an accredited body—products that are in the scope of the KC system must fulfill:


  • Safety requirements (KC Safety)

  • Radiofrequency requirements (KC RF)

  • Electromagnetic compatibility testing (KC EMC)

Once a product has received the KC approval, the KC Mark and identification mark must be printed on the product.


Example of the KC Mark:








According to Rule 2018-13, the new Identification mark format is R-CS-ABC-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. This rule will have a transition period until June 30, 2019.


1 - “R” is an identificator of broadcasting and communication equipment.

2 - “С” is an authentication field identification number. The certification field depends on a certification scheme. The identification number can be:


“С” - certification

“R” - registration

“I” - interim


3 - Empty (nothing) in code means new applications. “S” can be used only in case of conformity certification or conformity registration for the same equipment as basic authentification information.

4 - “ABC” is an applicant identification code given by the Director.

5 - “XXXXXXXXXXXXXX” is an applicant's "Product Identification Code (English, number, hyphen (-), underbar (_). The applicant must be listed and can be determined within 14 digits.

StandardsLocal Testing
Local Representative
Factory  Inspection
Project Time
KN Standars
3~4 weeks

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