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Placing Orders

  • Placing Orders

·         How do I purchase an item?

·         How do I configure my address?

·         Why can’t I place an order?

·         How do I check the order status?

·         How do I check the details of my order?

·         Why has my order been suspended?

·         What if I still need to contact the seller after placing an order?

·         What if I selected the wrong size or model of an item but have already placed the order?

·         How do I confirm receipt ?

  • How do I purchase an item?

·         Find the items you need and make sure the categories and parameters of the items match your needs. You can find a detailed description of the project on the Project Description page.

·         Sometimes, coupons are offered by BWTCmall or sellers. Please look out for them on the Item Description page;

·         Click on Buy Now to enter the payment page. You can also add the item to your Shopping Cart and continue searching for other items.

·         If you wish to purchase all the items in your Shopping Cart, you can Select All and then make payment.

Note: You cannot manually change your shipping address after making a purchase. If you have a special case, please send a messageto the seller or contact our customer service center at

  • How do I configure my address?

You can enter multiple shipping addresses from My Shipping Addresses and select the one you use most often as your default address.

·         First, please place an order on the item you'd like to purchase in order to proceed to the payment page.

·         From the payment page, you can configure your shipping address at the top and add your commonly used addresses.

·         Please note that you can only add up to 50 addresses and they must be entered using English letters and numbers.

  • Why can’t I place an order?

·         The item may have been taken down or there is no sufficient stock.

·         Your account has purchased the same product repeatedly within 24 hours and the system detects that your account security may be at risk.

·         Your shipping address includes non-English characters.

  • How do I check the order status?

·         Login to your BWTCmall account and click on My Orders from the upper right of the homepage.

·         You can search the order number from the search bar.

·         You can also check the status of your order from the Order Status at the top of the order.

  • How do I check the details of my order?

·         Login to your BWTCmall account and click on My Orders from the upper right of the homepage;

·         Locate the order you wish to check and click Detail.

  • Why has my order been suspended?

·         When an order is suspended, we will send you an email detailing the reason.

·         You can also check the reason for the suspension from your account : My Orders > Detail

·         You can check suspended orders through Suspended Orders.

  • What if I still need to contact the seller after placing an order?

·         Login to and click on My Orders from the upper right of the homepage.

·         Locate the relevant order and click on Contact Seller in the upper right to send the seller a message.

·         If the seller does not reply to your message, please contact our customer service center at

  • What if I choose the wrong product parameters but have placed an order?

Please check the order status:

·         If the order status is Awaiting Shipping, you can directly cancel the order and place a new order;

·         If the order status is Awaiting Delivery, then your order can no longer be canceled. However, you can try contacting the seller for a possible solution.

  • How do I confirm receipt ?

·         Login to BWTCmall and click on My Orders on the upper right of the homepage.

·         Select an order with the status Awaiting Delivery and click Received.

* Detail:
Previous:Cancelling Orders

Collection succeeded! Happy shopping~
