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Saudi Arabia SASO Guide for Safety

Regulatory Guide > Middle East > Saudi Arabia > Saudi Arabia SASO Guide for Safety

Saudi Arabia Market Access for Safety Device

Electrical and R&TT products are subject to Safety and Telecom Approvals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The following types of requirements can be applicable to get access to the KSA market:


  • Safety

  • Telecom

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Requirements of Gulf Technical Regulation for the Low-Voltage Electrical Equipment and Appliances


Safety Requirements


Compliance with the safety requirements is proven by the Certificate of Conformity and regulated by the Article 3 of SASO by-laws issued in accordance with the Royal Decree №M/10 dated 03/03/1392H. This document lays down the rules of issuing the Certificates of Conformity and application of the Quality Marks and describes the rights of use of these certificates and marks.


  • Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO)


  • Imported products are subject to the SASO Certification Program (ICCP).
  • CoC, issued by an entity authorised by the competent official agency in the country of origin, is required for all imported regulated products.
  • Every new shipment requires a Certificate of Conformity (COC).
  • Testing by an accredited test laboratory is required.
  • All imported consignments must bear a non-removable indication of origin.
  • SASO is developing a new product safety programme named SALEEM – Saudi Product Safety Program. A new online system SABER will be developed for SALEEM.


  • Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI) is required for CoC.
  • The authorities in Saudi Arabia may also take random samples from imported consignments to verify compliance.
  • In the event that a shipment arrives at any Saudi Arabia port without a CoC, the shipment will either be rejected or require product testing by an approved local test laboratory.


  • Regulated products include all consumer products arriving in Saudi Arabia, except military equipment, medical products and food.


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